
Democracy Action is an independent group of volunteers dedicated to advancing Democrats nationally through local action, primarily by running phone banks for candidates in federal and state races nationwide. With chapters in San Francisco, Marin, and the East Bay, we host numerous phone banks every week across the Bay Area.

We have decades of experience working elections—organizing, canvassing, and running phone banks—and we know that when the Bay Area comes together to support a candidate, our region becomes a national powerhouse.

We hold phone banks for competitive elections nationwide, federal and state, including special elections and phone banks focused on other important issues, such as saving the Affordable Care Act, and working to pass the DREAM Act. We’ve worked with campaigns such as Stacey Abrams, Lauren Arthur, Lee Carter, Foster Campbell, T.J Cox, Doug Jones, Conor Lamb, Marie Newman, Beto O’Rouke, John Ossoff, Danica Roem, Kyrsten Sinema, Hiral Tipirneni, James Thompson, and many state coordinated campaigns.

Democracy Action aims to help win seats using the values of democracy, inclusion, equality, and respect. If we work together, volunteer, and vote, we can create a government that represents all of us.

But we can’t do it without you. Please join us in this essential work!

Democracy Action is an independent, volunteer-run organization. We have no funding from outside groups and we don’t take sides in local political matters.

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